Saturday, May 16, 2015

Announcement and updates.

Okay so I have a few new things to say as far as the breakout style game, the first being I finally gave it a name!  The new name for it will be "Blox" pronounced blocks. This is good because now I can work on making a playable version of the game which leads to my next announcement...

Yes, that's right. I am working on making an actual demo for Blox. I'm not sure how many level I'm thinking 5 or 10 and maybe 20 or 30 for a full version if I can think up enough variety for new power-ups and things of that nature.

Another thing which you have probably guessed is I made a logo, there are 4 versions but I finally settled for this version:

Here's a level I made that might be in the Demo.

Much to be done but I'm gonna get to it!


~ God Bless ~


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