Coming Soon!

Whenever I has a concept or a project, I'll put something about it here in the "coming soon".

Here's a project I've worked on and off (mostly off ) for a while on. Basically you get a graphic on how to draw things, mainly flowers.

This game's basic concept is you shoot alien ships for points, of course there will be bonus points and other features.

This game hasn't seen much of a light of day besides the logo, if I get it off the ground it will be a drag and drop style game where you build cars.

This one now, this one I'm working very hard on at the moment. It's based off of an old archade game called arknoid, or maybe more known as breakout. Anyway, I'm about 1/3rd done on this one which is a dent but not over the hill yet. I don't have a name for it so you have only screenshots to go on, I haven't made a logo yet.


~ God Bless ~


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